Archive for September, 2012
Lenny Spangberg Consulting, the quintessence of 40 years of experience in business tourism & made-to-mesure and exceptional travel organization
Two very sad events to be remembered which changed the World:
- September 11th , 2001
- September 15th , 2008
Eleven years have passed since the tragedy of 09/11. Close to 3000 persons died during those terrorist attacks and still think about them constantly specially those who where friends and close relations. Those events have changed the world and our way of living and thinking about people for the rest of our lives!
Yes, the world has changed, the geo-political situation is still our main concern, what kind of future are we going to leave for our children?
Four years have gone since Lehman Brothers went out of business! The alert started in 2007 with the “Sub Prime crisis. The world encountered the worth financial crisis since 1929 and we still haven’t resolved the economical crisis we are all suffering from on daily basis! Hundreds of companies have since then disappeared. Tourism in general and particularly Business events have specially have been damaged by those tragic events.
Today, we must keep our optimism and try our very best to leave a better heritage in a peaceful, joyful and full of hope world to our children!